Saturday, October 2, 2010

November York Rite Festival - Casting Call!

Companions and Sir Knights,

We are in need of your help!

In just over a month the Albuquerque York Rite Festival will be held on Saturday - November 13th (Chapter Degrees), and Saturday - November 20th (Council Degrees & Commandery Orders) at Temple Lodge No. 6.

There are several parts vacant in the Degrees/Orders and we need your support to fill them. If you are interested in participating in one of the Degrees/Orders in the November Festival (big or small) then please let us know ASAP so you can learn your part!

Festival Contacts
- Festival Director: Dennis Detrow (Email)
- Alternate Contact: Fred Kellogg (Email)

Please remember - we are putting on these Degrees/Orders for the benefit of Master Mason Candidates who want to join York Rite Freemasonry and experience what it has to offer. Without your support at the November Festival - this experience cannot happen for our Brothers.

Thanks to all for your support and we look forward to seeing you at the York Rite Festival in November!