Friday, June 24, 2011

S.R. Masonic Leadership Conference

Companions and Sir Knights,

The Scottish Rite Bodies of New Mexico are sponsoring a Masonic Leadership Conference and Workshop in the month of July entitled "If It's Going To Be, It's Up To Me", a look into Masonic Leadership and how we can affect positive leadership to help grow Freemasonry in New Mexico. We are proud to have Ill. Brother Robert Hannon (SGIG - Orient of AZ) as a the Program Moderator for this conference / workshop. Ill. Bro. Hannon is a renowned motivational speaker and he is a welcome part of this conference, providing us with his insight and experience for affecting positive leadership that will help foster growth of Masonry in New Mexico.

If you would like to attend this conference - then please RSVP with the Orient Membership Chairperson (Norm Ribble, 33° IGH) as soon as possible.

Conference specifics are listed below:

July 22nd and 23rd, 2011 (Friday and Saturday)

Ballut Abyad Shrine Center

6600 Zuni Road SE, Albuquerque, NM 87109 (Map)

Fri. - 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm / Dinner at 6:00 pm
Sat. - 7:30 am to 4:00 pm / Lunch at 12:00 pm

- Ill. Robert Hannon, 33°, SGIG, Orient of Arizona
- Ill. Tom E. Payne, 33°, SGIG, Orient of New Mexico
- MWB Bobby Arther, Grand Master of Masons in NM

- Elected Officers of the NM Grand Lodge
- Ballut Abyad Shrine Elected Divan
- Scottish Rite Advisers and Ambassadors
- Grand York Rite Officers
- Grand Lodge Officers (PHA)
- Lodge Masters and Wardens
- Grand Chapter Officers (OES)

Sleep Inn (Albuquerque Airport)
2300 International Avenue SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106 (Map)
(505) 244-3325
Rate: $50.00 plus tax (King) / $55.00 (Double Beds)
Code: S.R. Leadership Conference

The Shrine has (5) Five 50 amp hook-ups available for use, and there is space for (25) twenty-five additional rigs for dry campers

Hope to see you at the S.R. Masonic Leadership Conference in July!