Friday, November 19, 2010

2010 ABQ Y.R. Fall Class - Royal Arch Masons

Companions and Sir Nights,

The Albuquerque York Rite Fall Festival (Part 1) - was held on Saturday, November 13th, at Temple Lodge 6 with several Master Mason Candidates completing the York Rite Capitular Degrees (Mark Master, Past Master - Virtual, Most Excellent Master, and The Royal Arch).

2010 ABQ. Y.R. Festival Fall Class pictured with
M.E. Bro. Dion Newhouse - Grand High Priest
Grand Chapter - Royal Arch Masons of New Mexico

We would like to congratulate the 2010 ABQ York Rite Fall Class and look forward to seeing them during (Part 2) of the Fall Festival - Saturday morning, November 20th, as they continue their journey in York Rite Freemasonry.