Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Outdoor Degree Invitation


Aztlan Lodge No. 1 (F&AM), Arizona’s Oldest Masonic Lodge – Chartered in 1866, has extended an invitation to all the Masonic Lodges within New Mexico to attend their Annual Outdoor Degree at Fain Ranch on Saturday, September 18th 2010 in Prescott, AZ (approximately 98 mi. southwest of Flagstaff).

The Aztlan Lodge Outdoor Degree will be located in a tree line setting on Fain Ranch furnished with log benches in an amphitheatre fashion. Registration will begin at 8:00a.m. with Lodge opening at 10:00 a.m.The cost to attend is $25 and includes a Pit BBQ luncheon and commemorative BOLO Tie.

Arrive early and share in cowboy coffee and donuts.

A current dues card is required to attend.

Please visit the website below for information about reservations, directions, accommodations and eventflyers.