Thursday, April 1, 2010

Santa Fe Scottish Rite Spring Reunion

The 229th Scottish Rite Spring Reunion will be held in Santa Fe, NM from April 30th – May 2nd (Friday – Sunday) and will consist of conferring and communicating the following Scottish Rite Degrees:

9 am – 11 am: Registration
11am: Lunch
11:30 am: Class meets in Classroom (Candidates)
12:00 pm: 4th – 15th Degrees (Conferred & Communicated)

16th – 30th Degrees (Conferred & Communicated)

31st – 32nd Degrees (Conferred & Communicated)

Please contact the Secretary of the Santa Fe Bodies for more information about the upcoming reunion: (505) 982-4414, or visit the New Mexico Scottish Rite website (Click Here).