Saturday, March 20, 2010

133rd Communication - N.M. Grand Lodge

On March 18 - 20th, the Grand Lodge of New Mexico held its 133rd Annual Communication in at the Pecos River Village Conference Center in Carlsbad, NM. This years annual communication (as in previous years) consisted of several meetings among the Grand Lodge Officer’s, the hosting of the Grand Masters Reception and Awards, recognition of Appendant Bodies and Masonic Youth Organizations, Installation of 2010 Grand Lodge Officers, the Grand Masters Banquet, presentation of the Kit Carson Award, and a Memorial Service.

Grand Lodge was opened in form on Friday morning, March 19th and closed in form on Saturday afternoon at the completion of scheduled labor. The Sword of Bunker Hill Order was then conferred by N.M. Lodge #124 (A.J. Fountain) for several brethren who were in attendance at this years Grand Lodge for a fee of $25.00 with all proceeds going to the Masonic Children’s Activities.

We would like to extend its congratulations to MWB David L. Baker for his year as Grand Master of Masons in New Mexico for 2009, and to MWB Garry M. Deck who was elected and installed as Grand Master of Masons in New Mexico 2010.