Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2010 New Mexico Lodge Officers Conference

The Masonic Education Committee will sponsor a conference on Saturday, January 30th 2010. The conference will be held at the Las Cruces Scottish Rite Temple (195 E. Boutz Rd, Las Cruces, NM 88005).

The conference will begin at 9 am, and should finish by 3 pm (approximate). The conference is open to any lodge officers or other interested Masons. Masters, Wardens, DDGMs and DDGLs should make every attempt to attend. Those planning to attend should RSVP to the Grand Lodge office by January 25th (505-243-4931).

Topics of discussion will include:

- Introduction of new Mentor's Manual Overview of long-range plans for GL, and next year's GL activities.
- Grand Lodge legislation process.
- Planning for Lodge leaders
- Duties of Lodge officers
- Ritual topics
- And more, as time permits