Thursday, August 26, 2010

Funeral Services Tomorrow!

A Message From WB Adam Hathaway (Sandia Mountain Lodge 72):

Good Brethren,

The memorial service for Brother Ted Gabocy will be this Friday, August 27, 7 p.m. at Sandia Mountain Lodge No. 72 (Map). No, you don't know who Brother Ted was.

Here is the story:

At the fantastic Rocky Mountain Masonic Conference, WB Chris Hodapp told the story of how he became a Mason. After the death of his father-in-law, he and his wife flew out for funeral services. His wife thought her father, a Mason, should have a Masonic funeral, but he hadn't known any Mason in the area, nor sat in lodge there. The evening before the services she and Chris left a message on the voicemail of the local lodge, asking for Masonic services. They assumed that a voicemail left at the last minute regarding a Mason the lodge never met would not bear fruit.

The next day before the service was to start, several Masons wearing dark suits, white aprons and gloves walked in and proceeded to deliver the service. As Chris and his wife flew back home, he turned to her and said "This is an organization I need to join".

So, I found it noteworthy that a few weeks after hearing this a friend of mine contacted me and asked if I could arrange Masonic funeral services for her recently deceased father who had lived in Arizona. His only family here is his daughter, her husband and their daughter. He didn't know any Mason in New Mexico and never sat lodge here. Sound familiar?

So, tomorrow (Friday) August 27 at 7 p.m. at Sandia Mountain Lodge No. 72 (Map), RWB Jeff Jordan will be leading Masonic services in honor of Brother Ted. Please wear a dark suit if you own one. We will supply white aprons and gloves.

Brother Ted didn't know any Masons in New Mexico. He has no Mason to stand for him, unless we do. He has no Mason to send him on his journey unless we do. It matters not, that we never met him, never sat lodge with him. What matters is that we have an opportunity to serve our Brother and his family in this one endeavor.

So, if you are free, please attend these services as we support our Brother and his family. Be well.

Adam Hathaway
Worshipful Master
Sandia Mountain Lodge No. 72