Memorial Day officially became a federal holiday in 1971.
RWB Wesley Thornton
Our very own Grand Treasurer Wesley Thornton will have the honor of serving as the DeMolay Grandmaster for 2010-2011. RWB Thornton currently serves on the DeMolay ISC as the Grand Senior Councilor and will be installed as Grandmaster during this year’s ISC & Congress Session in Dallas.
RWB Thornton is a fourth generation Master Mason within the Grand Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M. of New Mexico. He is a Past Master of Estancia Lodge No. 33 & Edgewood Lodge No. 82 and served as Deputy District Grand Master (District 5). Most recently RWB Thornton was re-elected as Grand Treasurer at the 133rd New Mexico Grand Lodge Annual Communication in Carlsbad, NM.
The confidence and trust members of DeMolay International have placed with RWB Thornton is well deserved, and we would like to extend its congratulations and best wishes to RWB Thornton for his upcoming year as DeMolay Grandmaster.